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Hotel Binongko Jaya
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Beru, Alok Tim., Kabupaten Sikka, Nusa Tenggara Timur
See why so many travelers make Hotel Binongko Jaya their hotel of choice when visiting Maumere. A perfect blend of economy and comfort, this property offers an ambiance with amenities designed for travelers like you.
When you stay, don't forget to use the facilities offered, such as a 24-hour front desk and luggage storage, and you can use the internet because Hotel Binongko Jaya offers free wi-fi. For guests with a car, free parking is available.
Those looking for a bite to eat near Hotel Binongko Jaya can head to Cafe Charlie (1.1 km) or the Zona Kongkow (1.6 km), all within walking distance.
At Hotel Binongko Jaya, your comfort and satisfaction come first, and they look forward to welcoming you to Maumere.